
The Last Sunday after Epiphany
Liturgy for March 2, 2025

As Christ was transfigured on the mountaintop, we come to be transformed by God.
May God’s word shine in our lives.
Extol the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain; for the Lord our God is holy.
We praise the awesome Name of the Lord!

Almighty God, we gather in your presence seeking justice and wisdom. And in your Son, Jesus Christ, we find justice that goes beyond your ancient law, and wisdom which embodies all the words of the prophets. Through his grace, number us among your people, empowered to follow him along the way of the cross; all for the glory of his Name. Amen. 

[A silence is kept for individual joys and concerns.]
O Sovereign God, we praise you this day for your greatness. Hidden from our eyes—not by darkness, but by the light of your majesty—you have revealed yourself to us in the obedience and kindness of Jesus. And as he turned his face toward Jerusalem and crucifixion, he helped his followers to perceive who he was, even as you owned him as your Son. 
We thank you for all the glimpses that you allow us of your redeeming power, and all the ways that you show us wholeness in your grace. Though your wisdom and infinity must remain a mystery to us, it is a mystery which invites us to explore the heights and depths of your love for your creation. Both in our worship service and in silent meditation, help us to discover your presence in our life. 
Whether on the mountaintops or in the valleys, may we grow in our understanding of what it means that Jesus Christ lived as one of us, died, and rose again that we might receive life in him. Shine in our lives, we pray, that we may be transformed into his likeness, speaking Christ's words and doing his deeds in the church and in the world. 
We ask this in his Name, who with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns as God forevermore. Amen.

On the holy mountain, Jesus was shown to be the fulfillment of all the words of scripture. And no matter who we are or where we are on life’s journey, he invites us to his table, that we, too, may find fulfillment in his life of perfect love. Some come, eat and drink: You are welcome here. 

We praise you, O glorious God, for your love and faithfulness. We thank you that you reveal yourself to all who seek you with sincere hearts. As we gather round your table this morning, send your Spirit on these gifts of bread and wine, that in them we might discern the body and blood of your Son. By that same Spirit, may we also perceive your beauty in the faces of our neighbors. And by sharing in this holy meal, may we be strengthened to embrace the mystery of your cross and walk the path of discipleship. Open our hearts now to your transforming power, we pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

As we part company today, may the same God who said, ‘Let there be light in the darkness,’ so shine in your hearts that you carry within you the same glory that is seen in the face of Jesus. Go forth in the Name of God + Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

This is a traditional transfiguration hymn, set to a more low-church tune.