Happy are those who do not follow evil advice, take the path of wrongdoers, or sit among scoffers.
Happy are those whose delight is in the Lord, meditating on God's word both day and night.
They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in season—their leaves do not wither.
May the Lord watch over all who thirst for righteousness.
—based on Psalm 1
Almighty God, we gather in thanksgiving for your word, which guides our lives. May our worship this day lead to a deeper understanding of your will, that we may more perfectly live out Christ's commandments of love. This we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Teacher. Amen.
O Eternal One, we thank you for the word of truth, by which you have defended our lives against all the powers of death. You have answered our fear of your holiness with your boundless mercy. You have countered our despair with your hope. And so we praise you in your unfathomable mystery, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, now and throughout our lives.
You, O God, are our only refuge. And so in full confidence that you hear our cries, we pray for all who suffer: For the poor and the unemployed, for the persecuted and oppressed, for the lonely and the sick, the desperate and the dying. Visit them with your healing power and your uplifting presence; encourage the downtrodden, strengthen the powerless, and save the lost.
Because you are our only refuge, we pray with confidence for those in positions of power: business leaders, politicians, scientists, those in the legal system, in media, and in education. Grant them wisdom and strength of conscience, that they may act justly toward the powerless, and act with integrity toward those they serve.
Because you are our only refuge, we pray with confidence for all who testify to your truth: May they not grow weary or lose courage when threatened, and that they remain humble when they meet with success. Grant them clarity of speech, strength to act, the will to pray, and patience in suffering.
Eternal God, you are our only hope. Our souls are restless until they find rest in you. Unimaginable is your power and inexhaustible your love. Help us to see our future in your Kingdom, for all honor, glory, and adoration are yours, O God in Three Persons. Amen.
—German Reformed Liturgy (pp 218-19, adapted)