Epiphany + 6

Liturgy for February 16, 2025

Happy are those who do not follow evil advice, take the path of wrongdoers, or sit among scoffers.
Happy are those whose delight is in the Lord, meditating on God's word both day and night.
They are like trees planted by streams of water, which yield their fruit in season—their leaves do not wither.
May the Lord watch over all who thirst for righteousness. 
—based on Psalm 1

Almighty God, we gather in thanksgiving for your word, which guides our lives. May our worship this day lead to a deeper understanding of your will, that we may more perfectly live out Christ's commandments of love. This we ask through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Teacher. Amen.

Eternal One, we feel your presence among us this morning, and so we pray. We pray for ourselves, our loved ones, and people around the world. Open our eyes that we may perceive the wholeness that you offer, and reveal yourself to a blind humanity. 
Make your face to shine upon those who are in pain; grant them your healing and strength. 
May those who are poor and hungry know your providence through the generosity of their neighbors. As our cup overflows with your blessing, may we share our plenty with others in need.  
Bless the mighty and the wealthy also: Grant them the powers they lack—the powers of self-knowledge and compassion—that they may be inspired to love others.   
To all of us, grant your peace, and the hope that comes with the knowledge of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in whose Name we pray. Amen.  
Chalice Worship (adapted)

God of mystery and love, in wonder and humility, we thank you for all you have made, and for caring for us in ways beyond our imagining. We are astonished at the detail and designs of your creation! In Jesus Christ, your Word of hope and healing, you touch our lives with truth and love, revealing our need and your response. Send now your Spirit of power upon these gifts of bread and wine, that in them we may discern Christ's body and blood. By that same Spirit, unite us into one body, sharing Christ with one another and with the world around us. All this we ask in and through Christ's holy Name. Amen.
—inspired by the Presbyterian Church in Canada

Today's gospel reading emphasizes blessing, and it is noteworthy that the oldest fragment of scripture ever discovered (the Ketef Hinnom scrolls dating back to 600 BCE) contains the Aaronic Blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26. So today's benediction is that same blessing spoken by the pastor to the people using the New Living Translation, with the people blessing the pastor using the traditional KJV of the same text:

May the Lord bless you and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you his favor and give you his peace. 
The Lord bless thee, and keep thee: The Lord make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee: The Lord lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
In the Name of God + Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.