Epiphany + 4

Liturgy for February 2, 2025
The first Sunday in February is observed as Covenant Renewal Sunday in my congregation.

Let us lift up our souls to God, in whom we trust.
Make us to know your ways, O Lord; teach us your truth.
All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant. 
The friendship of the Lord is for those who worship him; God makes his covenant known to them.
—based on Ps. 25

Eternal God, you have called us to be members of one body. Join us with those who in all times and places have praised your Name, that, with one heart and mind, we may show the unity of your church, and bring honor to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen. 

Spirit of God, gentle breath and mighty wind, come and revive us this morning. 
Sweep into our lives and into the life of our church and claim us as your own. 
Sweep away all falsehood and replace it with your truth. 
Help us to face up to what is wrong, to turn our lives around, and to start afresh. 
O Holy Spirit of God, help us to discern light from darkness; clear the mists so that the brightness of Christ might shine upon us. 
Ignite your spark, that our lives may burn with your fire. 
O Spirit of God, grant us wisdom and lead us forth. Motivate us to do your will in the church and in the world. 
Inspire us to dream, give us hope for the future, and courage for the fight. 
We ask in the Name of Jesus Christ, God's Son and the Lord of the Church.
—after German Reformed Liturgy

This supper is open to all who love Jesus and seek to follow Christ's way.
We come to the table, not because we must, but because we may.
Come, not because you are fulfilled, but because you are needy.
We come, not to express an opinion, but to seek Christ's presence and to pray for God's Spirit.
No matter who you or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here.
We come to the table in love.
God of love, send your Holy Spirit to be with us as we remember Jesus, your divine love in human form. And may that same Spirit settle on these gifts of bread and wine, that in them, we might know his presence among and within us.
May we be transformed into his body, serving one another and ministering to your people in the world.
We pray this through the same Jesus Christ, with you and the Holy Spirit, God forevermore.
Chalice Worship (alt.)

Go forth as followers of Christ.
• Speak truth to power.
• Bring healing.
• Make peace.
• Show love.
• Work for justice.
And may God the Creator, Word, and Holy Spirit
accompany, surround, and fill you
this week and forevermore. Amen.