Epiphany + 1

Liturgy for January 12, 2025

Ascribe to the Lord glory and strength; ascribe to the Lord the glory of his Name.
We will worship in holy splendor.
The Lord is enthroned as King forever; may he give strength to his people!
May God bless his people with peace!
—from Ps. 29:1-2, 10-22

Eternal One, at his baptism in the River Jordan, you proclaimed Jesus your beloved Son, and anointed him with your Holy Spirit. Gathered in his Name, may we, who follow in his footsteps, know the blessing of your Spirit, learn of your promises, and embrace him as our Lord and Savior, for we pray in his Name. Amen.


O God, Creator of our world, you hold us in your love, and no matter what happens, we know that we can fall no deeper than into your gentle hand.
O Son of God, you became one of us that we might forever know that ours is not a God who exists apart from us, but who understands us to our core.
O Holy Spirit of God, you were poured out upon us to dwell within us, and—regardless of our differences— to connect us with all who believe in you.
In our baptism, you call us by our Name, and we become part of who you are in all your marvelous diversity. And so, whether the days be carefree or full of challenges, we receive our lives from you. You forgive our wrongdoings, you bless our laughter, and you cherish our tears as in a bottle.
And we know that we are not alone, for you have placed us in this community. Therefore we bow before you to intercede for one another and for those we hold dear. And we pray for those with whom we share a town, a nation, and a world. We pray for those whose lives have rendered them voiceless. We pray for those who are powerless. We pray for the tired and the sick and the grieving. We pray for refugees who seek safety, for the war-torn who long for peace, and for the homeless who seek shelter. May all these experience your grace, whether direct from your hand or through the faithfulness of your servants.
So hear us now as we pray in the silence of our hearts—

[A silence is kept.] 
May your promises be fulfilled in your holy Name, O God in three Persons. Amen.


Almighty God, at his baptism​ you sent your Holy Spirit​ upon Jesus, and revealed him as your beloved Son.​ We thank you that we, too, are born of water and Spirit, and that you have made us your children. ​Accept our gifts, and keep us faithful in your service, that we may rejoice to e​mbrace one another as sisters and brothers. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord​. Amen.

You come to us at font and table, Lord, binding us into a family and inviting us to a feast. You are our beginning, you are the path we follow, and you are our end. As your Spirit descended on Jesus at his baptism, so may that same Spirit settle on these gifts of bread and wine, that in them, we might know his presence within us. Unite us in worship, unite us in ministry to one another, and send us forth into the world to serve others in the Name in which this prayer is offered. Amen.

The tree and the wreaths have been put away;
        the garland has been brought down:
    Our celebration of Christmas is complete.
Yet Jesus, Emmanuel,
    is forever God-with-us,
As we go forth from worship this morning,
    let us also
            bring with us into the world
                the presence of the Lord.
Like Jesus,
    let us obey God and serve our neighbor.
In the Name of the Creator, of the Christ, and of the Holy Spirit,
    let us show God’s Image
        to those who hunger for peace,
            who need hope,
                and who long for love. Amen.