22nd Sunday after Pentecost

October 20, 2024

How dear to us is your dwelling, O Lord of hosts!
Our souls long for your courts; our hearts rejoice in the living God!
Happy are those who dwell in your house, always singing your praises.
Happy the people whose strength is in you, whose hearts are set on the pilgrim way.
For the Lord blesses us with grace and glory.
Help us to put our trust in you, O Lord of hosts!
—based on Ps. 84:1, 3-4, 11-12 

Almighty Creator, God of the universe, when you fashioned the world, the morning stars sang together and host of heaven shouted for joy. As we behold the beauty of nature, open our eyes to the wonders of your creation and teach us to use all things for good, to the honor of your Name and for the glory of Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us to pray.

Lord Christ, you are the great high priest, a priest forever. Through your offering on the cross, you opened the way to God for all people. As we break the bread and lift up the cup today, we remember your death and enter into new life. Send your Holy Spirit to settle upon these gifts, that in them, we may know your presence in our lives. And send your Holy Spirit upon us that we may be your body in the world, sharing your love with everyone we encounter. We pray this in your Name. Amen.