In Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near.
Eternal God, in Jesus Christ, you draw near to us in worship, giving us strength and hope. Amid the cares of our daily lives, help us to hear voice and feel your presence. And above all, may we may treasure your word above all else. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.
Eternal God, you are the Author of our life and the End of our pilgrimage. We thank you for the time that is given us, and we ask that you will not only show us the path we should take, but show us the way we should go. Help us to know the presence of Christ walking beside us through life, and to sense your Spirit within us, inspiring us to reach within and empowering us to reach out.
For he is our peace; in his flesh he has broken down the dividing wall.
We are no longer strangers and aliens, but citizens with the saints and members of the household of God,
Built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the cornerstone.
—based on Ephesians 2
Eternal God, in Jesus Christ, you draw near to us in worship, giving us strength and hope. Amid the cares of our daily lives, help us to hear voice and feel your presence. And above all, may we may treasure your word above all else. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen.
—Roman Catholic (adapted)
Eternal God, you are the Author of our life and the End of our pilgrimage. We thank you for the time that is given us, and we ask that you will not only show us the path we should take, but show us the way we should go. Help us to know the presence of Christ walking beside us through life, and to sense your Spirit within us, inspiring us to reach within and empowering us to reach out.
Fill our hearts with your love, that others may know your encouragement and acceptance. Fill our minds with your wisdom, that we might discern when to speak and what to say. And fill our hands with your strength, that we may do your work in the world.
And teach us to pray, Lord: For those who are sick, for those who mourn, for those who are lonely; for the oppressed and the war-ravaged; for the hungry, the homeless, and the unemployed; and for ourselves in times of danger or temptation.
Help us not to wander from your way, or stumble in the darkness; but finish our course in safety, and come to our eternal rest in you; through the grace and merit of Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God, now and forever. Amen.
—PCUSA (adapted)
We thank you, O Holy One, for calling us into existence by your word; for speaking your words of guidance and grace through preachers and prophets; and for promising that your commandments would be written on our hearts. We are filled with gratitude when we meditate on your Word-in-the-flesh, Jesus Christ, who suffered as we suffer, died as we die, and then rose victorious over the grave, conquering death and sin.
We thank you, O Holy One, for calling us into existence by your word; for speaking your words of guidance and grace through preachers and prophets; and for promising that your commandments would be written on our hearts. We are filled with gratitude when we meditate on your Word-in-the-flesh, Jesus Christ, who suffered as we suffer, died as we die, and then rose victorious over the grave, conquering death and sin.
Holding the glad word of your good news in our minds, may your Spirit transform this bread and cup, and engrave on our hearts the life-changing Image of Christ. And, with all his companions in every time and place, we praise your holy Name as we gather around his table. Amen.
—Chalice Worship (alt.)