Last Sunday after Pentecost

November 26, 2023

It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to the Most High.
It is good to proclaim God's unfailing love in the morning, his faithfulness in the evening.
We are amazed at all God has done for us!
We will sing for joy because he has helped us.
O Lord, what great works you do,
And how deep are your thoughts.
—Psalm 92:1-5

O life-giving God! We accept this day as a gift from you hand. You have made it for us and you have made us for this day. From you comes the fullness of life: Everything that rests in the shadows or breathes in the light thanks you— from where the sun rises in the east to where it sets in the west. For you, O God, heal what is broken, and your wisdom brings order out of chaos. We acknowledge that this is why you have brought us together this morning, and so with our thoughts and words, we join all creation in praising you and thanking you for your sustenance. Strengthen us for the journey ahead, and lift our eyes to see your goodness in the world.

But we confess to you that our thoughts and prayers are not always enough. There is so much disorder, so many problems that we push aside, so much that we can do that we fail to do, and so much that we do that we should not. Though we cannot name all the problems we have caused or all the troubles we face, we know that, in your infinite wisdom, you can. Give us the grace to embrace your promise of wholeness, and the courage to speak to those who stand in the way of your reality.

And so, today, on this day that you have made, we dare to honor you even in our weakness. Raise up our hearts so that Jesus Christ, your word made flesh, may come alive in us. Grant us, O God, your Holy Spirit. Amen.

Eternal One, we thank you that you crown the year with your love. We praise you that you have given us a good earth, worthy of our stewardship. We bless you for the constancy of nature, and for the providence that supplies our needs. Help us to share what we have with others, and to be grateful for those who work to bring the harvest to us. Accept these our gifts, that they may strengthen your church and minister to your world; through Jesus Christ. Amen.