God’s Word is a lamp to our feet
And a light to our path.
God’s Word is made visible in Christ—
In him we are rooted in truth.
God’s Word is revealed through The Holy Spirit
And lived out in faithful service.
Come and listen for God’s Word in this time of worship.
We wait to receive the Word of Life.
—Presbyterian Church in Canada
Blessed Lord, you have caused all holy Scriptures to be written for our learning. Give us the grace to hear what you have to say to us through them, and understand them so that we embrace and hold fast to the blessed hope of everlasting life, given to us in our Savior Jesus Christ.
—adapted from the Book of Common Prayer
O God of creation! God of the universe! God of heaven and earth!
We thank you that this is the day that you have made;
that this is the day that you have called us into your presence.
We thank you that, on this day, you remind us of your love for us;
and we thank you that on this day of rest,
you refresh us in body, mind, and spirit.
By your word, you created the world; with your word, you have called us; and through your word, you receive us. We thank you for your blessings of food and drink, but we acknowledge before you that we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from your mouth.
We lay before your throne of grace this morning everything in our lives that causes us to forget you, all that frightens us, all the grudges we nurse, and all the ways we know that we have wronged others. Help us to distance ourselves from our past failures, and draw near to you and trust you more deeply.
May your Spirit of healing overflow in us, in those we name before you in the silence of our hearts, and in the world in which we live.
[A silence is kept.]
All this we pray in the holy Name of Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, God forevermore. Amen.
We praise you, O God our Creator, for the kernel of faith that you have implanted in each one of us. And we thank you for the seeds of generosity within us which inspire us to share your blessings with others. Transform our gifts of bread and wine that they may be fore us the body and blood of Christ, and transform us that we may be your body in the world, sharing your love with others. This we pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
As we part company today, go forth in the light of God’s word. Share the love of Christ, that the seeds of God’s word might bear fruit in a barren world. And trust in God’s Spirit to bring the growth. Thus may the Triune God + Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit, be with you now and forevermore. Amen.