Holy are you, Source and Creator of all things:
We praise you for your gift of life.
Holy are you, Son and Redeemer of all things:
We thank you for your gift of grace.
Holy are you, Spirit and Sustainer of all things:
We bear witness to your truth and worship your holy Name, Ever Three and Ever One.
O God, our Father, you sent your Son to bring us truth and your Holy Spirit to make us holy. May our worship open our hearts to exalt you and open our lives to reveal you to the world, for you are our one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
—based on A New Zealand Prayer Book (Anglican)
We come to you in praise, O God—Creator, Christ, and Holy Spirit—for you have drawn us together this morning:
out of our homes and schools and workplaces,
out of our everyday lives into a blessed family.
So blessed are you, Maker of all from nothing. The world and all that is in it—things seen and unseen—belong to you. You are the Creator of the universe, and yet you take note of us, you care for us, and you have come to us in Jesus Christ.
So blessed are you, Savior of all. You have taught us what it means to be human. You died for us that we might live for God. And you have promised us the Advocate and Comforter.
So blessed are you, Holy Spirit, for you are in all and through all. You have descended upon us in wind and flame, giving us divine power and binding us together as your people.
Blessed are you, God alone, yet God in community. As you are blessed, so bless your church on earth with the harmony and diversity of heaven. Fill us with your wholeness and healing. Instill us with your courage. Grant us your peace. This we pray in your Name, for there is hope in no other. Amen.
So blessed are you, Maker of all from nothing. The world and all that is in it—things seen and unseen—belong to you. You are the Creator of the universe, and yet you take note of us, you care for us, and you have come to us in Jesus Christ.
So blessed are you, Savior of all. You have taught us what it means to be human. You died for us that we might live for God. And you have promised us the Advocate and Comforter.
So blessed are you, Holy Spirit, for you are in all and through all. You have descended upon us in wind and flame, giving us divine power and binding us together as your people.
Blessed are you, God alone, yet God in community. As you are blessed, so bless your church on earth with the harmony and diversity of heaven. Fill us with your wholeness and healing. Instill us with your courage. Grant us your peace. This we pray in your Name, for there is hope in no other. Amen.
God is known to us in many ways: As Father, Son, and Spirit; as Creator and Redeemer and Sustainer; as the One who gives us life, the One who comes to us in love, and as the One who fills us and connects us. Because God exists in relationship, God’s people also are only complete when we are united with one another.
When we gather round the Lord’s table, we are invited by God and we reach out to our sisters and brothers. So no matter who you are or where you on life’s journey, come: You are welcome here. Draw closer to God and to each other.
Eternal God, Three-in-One, though your nature is a mystery to us, we feel your love and your care in our lives. Thank you for your gifts, for your help, wholeness, and nurture. As we receive these the bread and wine, send your Holy Spirit upon them that we might discover in them the mysterious grace of your Son, Jesus Christ. By that same Spirit, unite us as your church, that we might serve you and our neighbors as members of Christ’s body. This we pray in your Name, Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen.
May the love of the Creator which gives life to the world, sustain you.
May the bread of life, the Savior of the world, feed you with the food that endures to eternal life.
May the power of the Breath of God which sustains the world, nourish and strengthen you in faith.
And may God + Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you today, in the week to come, and for all time. Amen.
Eternal God, Three-in-One, though your nature is a mystery to us, we feel your love and your care in our lives. Thank you for your gifts, for your help, wholeness, and nurture. As we receive these the bread and wine, send your Holy Spirit upon them that we might discover in them the mysterious grace of your Son, Jesus Christ. By that same Spirit, unite us as your church, that we might serve you and our neighbors as members of Christ’s body. This we pray in your Name, Father, Son, and Spirit. Amen.
May the love of the Creator which gives life to the world, sustain you.
May the bread of life, the Savior of the world, feed you with the food that endures to eternal life.
May the power of the Breath of God which sustains the world, nourish and strengthen you in faith.
And may God + Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be with you today, in the week to come, and for all time. Amen.