To you, O Lord, we lift up our souls.
Make us to know your ways and teach us your paths.
Lead us in your truth, and teach us, for you are the God of wholeness.
May integrity and uprightness keep us, even as we wait for you.
Eternal God,
in your Son Jesus Christ you show us the way,
you speak to us your word of truth,
and you grant us abundant life.
May our worship this day help us to walk as he walked,
to share his message with those who need to hear it,
and to experience his resurrection.
We ask this in his Name, who is alive and reigns forevermore
with you and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Loving God, we thank you that,
when we share the bread and the cup,
we receive strength for the journey.
Send now your Spirit to settle on these gifts
and lift our eyes to face the future with courage and assurance,
knowing that nothing in life or death
will ever separate us from your love—
the selfless love of the cross,
the joyous love of the empty tomb,
and the overflowing love of the upper room.
We pray this in and through Jesus Christ. Amen.