Knowing Too Much

Who is the King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle.
Psalm 24:8
Beware of the Christian who knows too much. Before Messiah was born, there were many who thought they knew how it would happen, the kind of person God would anoint. None of them were looking in a stable in Bethlehem. They weren't looking among the poor in Judea—especially among the homeless travelers from Galilee. And so they overlooked Jesus.

They thought they'd caught on by the time Messiah entered Jerusalem, and so they hailed him in triumph. Here, finally, was a king who would deliver them. Nobody thought he'd let himself get arrested, and nobody expected a timid fellow who wouldn't defend himself or lash out with all his might against his accusers. And so they dismissed Jesus.

So be careful when a Christian tells you the exact nature of Jesus' return. Even when they quote scripture, it's unlikely that their interpretation is the same as God's. Jesus himself is our best guide. When you see the hungry, feed them, for the Christ dwells in them. When you see the homeless, house them, for the Christ dwells in them. When you see the lonely, love them, for the Christ dwells in them. 

Blessed is the one who comes in the Name of the Lord! 
 Matthew 21:9
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Not just during Advent, Lord, but all year long: as I look for your coming, help me find the places where you already are.
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.

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