✙ Isaiah 45:17
whose advent we seek in our lives,
come this day and show us
how to beat our swords into plowshares,
tools of life instead of instruments of fear.
May your love strip us naked
of all weapons and strategies of conquest,
which are not the tools of lovers,
wise ones and God's children.
Let us not lust for power
to be guided on the Way of Peace.
Let us not yearn for a victory
that requires a sister's sorrow
or a brother's shamefaced defeat.
With tears, black suits and dresses
and tolling funeral bells,
let us attend life's victory parties
that are won at such a cost.
Let us be Advent adventurers and peacemakers,
hammering swords into shovels,
filling holes and levelling peaks.
Let us be disarmed and vulnerable,
for only through such open hands and hearts
can Emmanuel come.
✙ Edward Hays, Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim
✙Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.
✙ Matthew 13:43
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Grant me such a peace, Lord, that I desire nothing that comes at another's expense.
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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