Under God's Shade

Like heat shaded by a cloud, the tyrants’ song falls silent.

Isaiah 25:5 (CEB)
You're mowing the lawn on a sunny day. The world seems perfect, everything bright and beautiful. You're sweating and thirsty, but what more could you want than all this sun? And then, as if out of nowhere, a cloud passes over the sun. The world is suddenly transformed. Everything around you is no less visible, but the oppressive heat has suddenly disappeared, and the beauty of the earth is enhanced by the gentleness of shadow.

We live in a world where the way things ought to be is dictated to us by a media obsessed with wealth and fame and power. Our attention is focused like a laser on celebrity and the material rewards of placing the almighty dollar above all else. But every once in a while, something disperses the intensity of the beam of light shining where the world wants us to look. We're suddenly enabled to see the bigger picture, and other priorities are allowed to come to the fore. Unconditional love, service to neighbor, humility. God has acted like the shadow of a cloud hiding the oppressive sun to give us a vision of the kindom of heaven where the weak are given power and nobodies become somebodies. 

Whether in sunshine or shadow, let us live our lives focussed on kindness, gentleness, and love for others that eclipses selfishness.

He has shown strength with his arm; he has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts. He has brought down the powerful from their thrones, and lifted up the lowly.
 Luke 1:51-52
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Help me to hear the beauty of your song over the trumpet blast of the world's music. Help me to discern the needs of your creation in the glare of the world's present priorities.
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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