for you have blessed us in Christ
with unimaginable spiritual blessings—
blessings of the earth,
but also blessings conceived long before the heavens were created.
We thank you
that you chose us in Christ before the foundation of the world.
Help us to fulfill your calling through lives lived in generosity
and made known to others in justice and righteousness.
We are what we are through the grace of your Son
and by the strength of your Spirit.
Thus may our words and deeds
be worthy of and dedicated to your glory.
How we came into being and why you love us so much
is a mystery to us.
And yet we trust that through what we do know,
we may fulfill your intention for our lives.
Grant us the wisdom to speak when we should speak,
and to be silent when we should be silent;
to act when it is your will, and to stay our hand when it is not.
Open our minds that we may receive your word.
Open our hearts that we may love our neighbor as we love ourselves.
Open our eyes that we may see the least of these, your sisters and brothers.
And open our ears that we may hear your voice,
crying out to us from those in need.
Our lives we dedicate to your glory,
and this prayer we pray in the Name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
who with you and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns:
God forevermore. Amen.