The First Sunday after Pentecost is called Trinity Sunday, so the opening hymn today is Holy, Holy, Holy. As part of our peace crane ministry, part of the pastoral prayer is a blessing of peace cranes for the sanctuary of St. Luke's Episcopal Church in Chardon. The scripture reading and sermon are the first half of John 3. Following the sermon is a brief observance of Memorial Day.
Here is the video of today's service. Beneath it, you'll find the order of worship.
00:00 • Prélude
03:35 • Welcome & Announcements
05:58 • Call to Worship from Psalm 29
06:29 • Hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy
09:01 • Opening Prayer
09:22 • Lord's Prayer
09:54 • Gloria Patri
10:36 • Joys & Concerns, Silent Prayers
11:57 • Pastoral Prayer & Blessing of Peace Cranes
15:42 • Scripture Reading: John 3.1-17
18:17 • Sermon
33:01 • Hymn: O Beautiful for Spacious Skies
35:47 • Memorial Day Prayer
37:40 • Offertory Sentence: Isaiah 6.8
38:15 • Doxology
38:57 • Thanksgiving
39:59 • Hymn: Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory
42:23 • Benediction
43:38 • Response: Go Now in Peace