Pentecost Worship

Today is the Day of Pentecost, when Christians celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the church. In fact, we refer to this day as the birthday of the church. 

In his Pentecost sermon, the Apostle Peter quoted the second chapter of the Prophet Joel, and that was the scripture passage read in our worship service this morning. The sermon included a reading of the story of Pentecost from the Book of Acts. Hymns included Sweet, Sweet Spirit (sung twice—once peacefully, and once with a bit more jazz), Spirit of the Living God, and Spirit of Gentleness.

Here's the video of today's service (below which you'll find the order of worship):

00:00 • Prélude
02:20 • Greening & Announcements
03:58 • Call to Worship (from Ps. 104)
04:51 • Song: Sweet, Sweet Spirit
07:20 • Opening Prayer (from Common Order, Church of Scotland)
08:01 • Lord's Prayer
08:33 • Gloria Patri
09:17 • Joys & Concerns, Silent Prayer
12:19 • Pastoral Prayer
14:08 • Scripture Reading: Joel 2.23-32
16:24 • Song: Spirit of the Living God
17:37 • Sermon
30:13 • Offertory Sentence
31:00 • Doxology
31:37 • Thanksgiving
32:20 • Hymn: Spirit of Gentleness
37:31 • Benediction
38:27 • Response: Go Now in Peace