He Is Our Peace (Video)

He grants peace within your borders; he fills you with the finest of wheat.
Psalm 147:14
In this day and age when so many look to Israel and to Jerusalem as some sort of fulfillment of prophecy, it cannot be stressed enough that Christians do not believe in a holy land or a holy city... or if we do, we believe that all lands are holy and all cities are sacred. Wherever God's people are found, there is holy Zion. 

This means that the words of Psalm 147:14 were fulfilled in Christ: For he is our peace; in his flesh he has made both groups into one and has broken down the dividing wall, that is, the hostility between us [Eph. 2:14]. The church has no borders one can see on a map, and yet within the church there is unity. Ethnicity, language, skin color—all these have lost their power to divide. We are one body, and we are seated at one table, where we eat bread made of the finest wheat, and drink wine of the best vintage.

The cross, the table, our neighbors—on Good Friday we make the connections, see the price paid, and come close to comprehending a peace that passes understanding.

Pray after thinking about today's devotion:
Lord Jesus Christ, crucified for us, we kneel at the foot of your cross to watch with you. Help us to see the cost of our forgiveness so that we may be made new through your love; for the glory of your holy Name.
 A New Zealand Prayer Book
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.

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