- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:15 Prélude: It Is God's Commandment and It Is His Desire
- 01:18 Welcome
- 02:14 Opening Sentence: 1 Corinthians 1.18
- 02:29 Opening Prayer
- 03:04 Lord's Prayer
- 04:00 Scripture Reading: Exodus 20.1-17
- 05:59 How to Count the Ten Commandments
- 08:35 Song: In Ancient Times the Law of God (stzs. 1, 4)
- 09:33 Biographical Sketch: Watchman Nee (1903-1972)
- 11:13 Song (final stz)
- 11:38 Message
- 21:07 Brief Pastoral Prayer
- 21:32 Communion Prayer
- 22:51 Institution/Fraction
- 23:42 Benediction
- 24:03 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 25:58 Postlude: Melodic Theme (Grieg)
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