The order of worship found in the video included in this post is as follows:
- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:27 Prélude: Savior, Lead Us up the Mountain
- 00:52 Welcome
- 01:50 Proclamation: Mark 9.2-9
- 02:51 Opening Sentence: Psalm 50.1-2
- 03:11 Opening Prayer
- 03:39 Lord's Prayer
- 04:04 Hymn: Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
- 05:46 Message (Introduction)
- 11:58 Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 4.5-7
- 12:46 Message (Conclusion)
- 14:13 Pastoral Prayer
- 16:24 Song: God, Who Said Out of Darkness
- 16:48 Communion Prayer
- 17:39 Fraction/Institution
- 18:29 Song: Send Out Thy Light
- 19:18 Benediction
- 20:22 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 22:14 Postlude: Seeking the Dazzling One
As always, it's best to watch the video in full-screen mode.