✙ Common Order, Church of Scotland (alt.)
O thou, the reflection of whose transcendent glory did once appear unbroken in the face of Jesus Christ, give me today a heart like his—a brave heart, a true heart, a tender heart, a heart with great room in it, a heart fixed on thyself; for his Name's sake.
✙ A Diary of Private Prayer, John Baillie
Jesus, your justice goes beyond the ancient law, your wisdom embodies all prophetic insight; make us glad to be yours, and able to follow you to Jerusalem; for the glory of your holy Name.
✙ A New Zealand Prayer Book
God of glory, you gave the vision of your Son to those who watched on the mountain; grant that by our glimpses of him we may be changed into his glorious likeness.
✙ A New Zealand Prayer Book
O God, who before the passion of your only-begotten Son revealed his glory upon the holy mountain: Grant to us that we, beholding by faith the light of his countenance, may be strengthened to bear our cross, and be changed into his likeness from glory to glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
✙ Book of Common Prayer
God of the transfigured Christ, in your mercy transfigure us and the whole world, till the glory of Christ is seen in the most unexpected places.
Transfigure our schools, universities, and hospitals.
Transfigure our politics, business and industry, and workplaces.
Transfigure our friendships, marriages, and neighborhoods.
Transfigure our charities, our legal systems, immigration policies, and refugee schemes.
Transfigure the church universal, the churches of this county, and our own congregation as we continue to meet remotely for worship.
And in your boundless grace, O God, transfigure our own personal faith, hope, and love.
Lord of the mountain and plain, of vision and sacrifice, let us live in the light and glory of your love both today and forevermore, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
✙ Australian Prayers, Bruce D. Prewer (alt.)
Lord Jesus Christ: Enlighten our hearts through the splendor of your transfiguration, so that we may bear witness to your light in the midst of the darkness of the world.✙ Evangelisches Gottesdienstbuch
Because it was your will that divine love shine in us, O Christ, you brought God into our lives by becoming human and our brother. As we gather in your presence—sometimes radiant in our trust in you, sometimes as cold and gloomy as an extinguished fire—we trust that your love endures, now and forevermore.✙ inspired by Evangelisches Gottesdienstbuch