- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:24 Prélude: If We Take Up the Cross
- 00:51 Welcome
- 01:35 Geography Lesson
- 02:54 Opening Sentence: Psalm 22.26
- 03:13 Opening Prayer
- 03:31 Lord's Prayer
- 03:55 Interlude: For the Word of the Cross (beginning)
- 04:24 Scripture Passage: Mark 8.31-35
- 05:26 Interlude: For the Word of the Cross (conclusion)
- 06:02 Message
- 12:47 Song: Jesus, I My Cross Have Taken
- 13:24 Pastoral Prayer
- 15:17 Interlude: In the Cross of Christ I Glory
- 15:35 Communion Prayer
- 16:18 Institution/Fraction
- 17:10 Benediction
- 17:44 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 19:38 Postlude: I Want to Follow Jesus
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