O Lord... may your friends be like the sun as it rises in its might.
✙ Judges 5:31
Jesus provides a status update in John 15: No longer simply servants, the disciples are now his friends. They are worth the greatest love; they are worth dying for; they are worthy of the very glory of God. We are often so busy sniffing for the crumbs of the gospel that we fail to realize that the feast on the table is already ours. To be friends of our Lord is to be lifted up by him, to eat and drink by his side, and to share in his risen life.
A friend of Jesus! O what bliss
should ever have a friend like this
to lead me to the sky:
A friend when other friendships cease,
a friend when others fail,
a friend who gives me joy and peace,
a friend when foes assail!
Friendship with Jesus! Fellowship divine!
O what blessèd, sweet communion!
Jesus is a friend of mine.
✙ Joseph Ludgate (1898)
The glory that you have given me I have given them.
✙ John 17:22
Prayer after thinking about today's devotion:
Keep me close, O Friend divine, that, through good times and bad, I may walk with you the path to glory.
After your own thanksgivings & petitions, close with the Lord's Prayer.
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