Here's the order of worship found in the video:
- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:25 Prélude: In the Bleak Midwinter (with video of Chardon taken on Christmas Day)
- 03:28 Welcome
- 04:38 Call to Worship: Isaiah 62.1-2
- 05:01 Opening Prayer
- 05:22 Introduction to the Song
- 07:11 Song: Coventry Carol
- 08:34 Scripture Reading: Galatians 4.4-7
- 10:13 Message
- 13:53 Prayer (including the Words of Institution)
- 16:06 Lord's Prayer
- 16:32 Fraction
- 17:12 Benediction
- 17:45 Response: Go Now in Peace
- 19:39 Postlude: Il est né le divin enfant
As always, it's best to watch the video in full-screen mode.