We look forward to your coming—
the outpouring of yourself on our behalf—
and yet we remain self-centered.
but our hearts are not filled with Advent hope.
You cry out to us from the meager light of a stable,
but we forget the many whose lives are lived in darkness.
Forgive us, we pray.
Bring us closer to you.
Grant us your Spirit
so that we may not just hear,
but listen to your word and receive it in our hearts,
and that we, like Mary,
may be transformed by your presence.
we long to open our lives to you,
that you might enter in
and create change within us and among us.
But your peace remains a foreign concept,
for there is little room in us
for you or your transforming word.
We can think only of what remains to be done,
and are distracted by our responsibilities.
In the end,
we are often more exhausted than fulfilled
by the promise of your peace.
Send us, therefore, we pray, your Holy Spirit,
so that we can find the right balance
between prayer and action,
listening and speaking,
contemplation and service.
how happily we would lose ourselves in the joy of Christ’s birth.
How gladly we would believe
in the One who brings justice to the poor,
redemption to the oppressed,
and peace on earth.
Yet again and again,
a suffering world cries out to us and we do not hear.
Again and again we are disillusioned by evil,
but are not moved to act.
Behold our longing.
Have mercy upon us, O God;
heal our conflict;
and send your Spirit to work within us
to bring about justice on earth.
In Christ’s Name we pray. Amen.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Merciful God, we thank you for the depth of your love.
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Merciful God, we thank you for the depth of your love.
Through your incarnation in Jesus Christ,
you make our lives rich and precious.
So forgive us for our selfishness,
and help us to share your love more freely.
This Advent season,
may we nourish the hope of the Christ Child
by bringing more warmth into our cold world;
in his Name we pray. Amen.
The Advent song, •Make High the Door, the Gates Open Wide, is hymn No. 1 in the German Protestant hymnal. In this video is sung stanzas 1, 2 & 5:
*Reformierte Liturgie: Gebete und Ordnungen für die unter dem Wort versammelte Gemeinde (Wuppertal: Foedus, 1999), pp. 117-118.
†German: Eingangsgebete mit Sündenbekenntnis.
•Fling Wide the Door, Unbar the Gate in the hymnal of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates uses this tune in the hymnal of the formal Evangelical & Reformed Church.