This is the tenth installment of my Bible Study on Romans. Today I cover Romans 12:9 - 13:8. Here's the order of worship:
- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:27 Prélude
- 03:51 Introduction
- 04:25 Call to Worship: Psalm 37.3-6
- 05:02 Opening Prayer
- 05:27 First Scripture Reading: Romans 12.9-21
- 06:47 Bible Study, Part 1
- 12:09 Second Scripture Reading: Romans 13.1-7
- 13:17 Bible Study, Part 2
- 18:36 Third Scripture Reading: Romans 13.8
- 19:10 Pastoral Prayer with Communion Prayer
- 22:05 Lord's Prayer (music video)
- 25:48 Invitation
- 26:41 Fraction
- 27:17 Benediction
- 28:09 Response: Go Now in Peace
As always, it's best to watch the video in full-screen mode.