As always, it's best to view the video in full-screen mode. And have some bread and wine (or the equivalent in your household) on hand to participate in communion. I've also asked the congregations to light a candle (or light a small lamp) to help remind us that the Holy Spirit is present, and that that same Spirit unites us all from house to house.
Here's the order of worship:
- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:24 Prélude: When Morning Gilds the Skies
- 02:55 Welcome
- 03:30 Call to Worship: Psalm 145.1, 3, 17-18
- 04:00 Opening Prayer
- 04:36 First Scripture Passage: Romans 8.28-30
- 05:03 Bible Study, Part 1
- 11:58 Second Scripture Passage: Romans 8.31-39
- 13:06 Bible Study, Part 2
- 15:48 Song: O Day of Peace
- 18:31 Communion Prayer
- 19:31 Lord's Prayer
- 19:59 Fraction/Institution
- 20:52 Benediction
- 21:29 Response: Go Now in Peace
Crossposted to Pilgrim Worship.