Today I begin my summer study of Paul's Letter to the Romans. Here is the order, and (as always) this video is best viewed in full-screen mode...
- 00:00 Chimes
- 00:36 Welcome
- 01:05 Call to Worship: Psalm 52:8-9
- 01:24 Opening Prayer
- 01:48 Introduction to the Study
- 06:08 Reading: Romans 5:1-10
- 07:22 Study: Justification
- 09:02 Study: Are You Saved? 3 Possible Answers
- 13:58 Study: Atonement
- 15:43 Study: Substitutionary Theory
- 17:06 Study: Christ the Victor Theory
- 17:58 Study: Ransom Theory
- 18:45 Study: Moral Influence Theory
- 24:31 Study: Conclusion
- 24:54 Communion Prayer
- 25:43 Lord's Prayer
- 26:09 Fraction
- 26:55 Benediction
- 27:13 Response: Go Now in Peace