During this morning's 15-minute worship service, we'll briefly explore what it might mean to "sing a new song" to God. The order is below, and, as always, it's best to watch the video in full-screen mode.
- 00.00 Chimes
- 00.39 Welcome
- 00.55 Call to Worship—Psalm 33:1-5
- 01.26 Opening Prayer
- 01.44 Scripture Reading—Hebrews 10:24-25
- 02.06 Meditation
- 07.30 Prayer
- 08.23 Song—In His Time
- 09.48 Communion Prayer
- 11.16 Lord's Prayer
- 11.45 Words of Institution/Sharing the Bread & Cup
- 12.23 Benediction
- 12.51 Response—Go Now in Peace