O holy God, Breath of Life, you are with us in Word and Spirit.
Speak to our hearts and our thoughts.
Grant us silence in which to hear your voice and feel your peace.

that which is too difficult for us,
and for the strength to confront
that which cannot be avoided.
And give us the insight to know your will:
when to speak and when to keep silence;
when to act and when to observe.
May our lives be patterned
after the One who took on our flesh
and fulfilled your commands.
May our words be inspired
by the language of your Spirit.
May our actions
serve the needs of your people.
In our worship on this Day of Pentecost,
set us on the right path,
that we might more fully understand
that you intend good for us
and would work for good through us.
Be with us in our congregation,
and bless the work of Christians everywhere.
Through prayer and preaching, song and fellowship,
may we make you known in the church and in the world.
Unite us with all your children—including those of different faiths—
that we might create peace and justice in the world,
and abandon ways
that destroy the fullness of life and the well-being of the planet.
Thank you for this fiftieth day
when we celebrate the fulfillment of your promises to your people.
May your Spirit be ever present within us and around us,
making your will known and knitting us into one body—
even that of Jesus Christ our Lord, in whose Name we pray. Amen.