✙ Ps. 119:105 ✙
Lead, kindly Light, amidst the grey and gloom.Since the word is both convicting and life-giving, I'll close today with the prayer of confession from the UCC communion liturgy.
The night is long and I am far from home.
Here in the dark, I do not ask to see
the path ahead—one step enough for me.
Lead on, lead on, kindly light.
I was not ever willing to be led.
I could have stayed, but I ran instead.
In spite of fear, I followed my pride;
my eyes could see, but my heart was blind.
Lead on, lead on, kindly light.
And in the night, when i was afraid,
your feet beside my own on the way.
Each stumbling step where other men [sic] have trod
shortens the road leading home to my God.
Lead on, lead on,
my God, my God,
lead on, lead on, kindly light. [Audrey Assad]
Eternal God, whose word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path, I recognize and confess that I have failed to respond fully to your gracious presence in my life. Through Jesus Christ you have offered me new life, fulfillment, and the freedom to serve you. I confess that I am captive to sin, that my sin binds me with false pride, and that the wrong I do is made worse by the good I leave undone. Reconcile me to you and to all people, forgive all my sin and strengthen me anew for life as you intend it; through Jesus Christ my Savior, who taught me to pray...
Amy Grant • Thy Word Is a Lamp unto My Feet
Amy Grant • Thy Word Is a Lamp unto My Feet