Third Sunday in Lent

Liturgy for March 23, 2025

Let us bless the Lord as long as we live.
We will lift up our hands and call upon God's Name.
O God, our God, our souls thirst for you as in a dry and weary land.
Because your steadfast love is better than life, our lips will praise you.

Citizens of the Cosmos

Sermon for the 2nd Sunday in Lent
March 16, 2024

As I mentioned in my column in this week’s Bellwether, yesterday was the sixth anniversary of my arrival in Chardon. Not every anniversary has been so mundane however.

Second Sunday in Lent

Liturgy for March 16, 2024

The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? 
The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 
One thing I asked of the Lord, that will I seek after: to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, 

In Our Hearts, on Our Lips

Sermon for the 1st Sunday in Lent
March 9, 2025

I mentioned in a children’s message a couple of weeks ago how much longer my phone battery lasted since TikTok had been banned. To be honest with you, it’s not just battery life; productivity has increased since the TikTok ban.

First Sunday in Lent

Liturgy for March 9, 2025 

Those who live in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. 
He alone is our refuge and place of safety; he is our God, and we trust in him. 

Wake-Up Call

Sermon for Ash Wednesday
March 5, 2025

About a month ago, one of our younger members asked me if I’d ever heard of a band called Iron Butterfly. The question kind of caught me off-guard, but the answer was Yes, I had heard of Iron Butterfly—twice.

Ash Wednesday

Liturgy for March 5, 2025

from Psalm 103:1-4
Bless the Lord! Let us bless his holy Name with our whole beings.
We will bless the Lord and remember all his benefits, for he forgives and heals us, and crowns our lives with his steadfast love.

When the Clouds Clear

Sermon for Transfiguration Sunday
March 2, 2025

The story of the Transfiguration of Jesus as we read it in the scriptures is not as clear-cut as it ought to be. It begins with a desire to pray. And it seems that this was not just casual prayer, not just a grace before eating or a ritual prayer spoken by memory.


The Last Sunday after Epiphany
Liturgy for March 2, 2025

As Christ was transfigured on the mountaintop, we come to be transformed by God.
May God’s word shine in our lives.
Extol the Lord our God, and worship at his holy mountain;